1) The Mass is Calvary continued.

2) Every Mass is worth as much as the Sacrifice of Our Lord's Life,suffering and death.

3) Holy Mass is the most powerful atonement for your sins.

4) At the hour of death the Masses you have heard will be your greatestconsolation.

5) Every Mass will go with you to Judgement and plead for pardon.

6) At Mass you can diminish more or less temporal punishment due toyour sins, according to your fervor.

7) Assisting devoutly at Holy Mass, you render to the Sacred Humanityof Our Lord the greatest homage.

8) He supplies for many of your negligences and omissions.

9) He forgives the venial sins which you have not confessed. The powerof satan over you is diminished.

10) You afford the Souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.

11) One Mass heard during life will be of more benefit to you than manyheard for you after your death.

12) You are preserved from dangers and misfortunes which otherwise mighthave befallen you.

13) You shorten your stay in Purgatory.

14) Every Mass wins for you a higher degree of glory in Heaven.

15) You receive the Priest's blessing which Our Lord ratifies in Heaven.

16) You kneel amidst a multitude of holy angels, who are present atthe adorable Sacrifice with reverential awe.

17) You are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.

18) For you Christ offers Himself as the all-powerful Victim, reconcilingyou to the GOD that you have offended.

19) He pardons you all your venial sins, provided you are firmly resolvedto forsake them.

20) He also makes reparation for many of your sins of omission, whenyou did leave undone the good that you might have done.

21) He removes many of the imperfections attached to your good deeds.

22) He forgives you the sins, unknown or forgotten which you have nevermentioned in confession.

23) He offers Himself as a Victim to make satisfaction at least of yourdebts and transgressions.

24) Each time you hear Mass you can do more to pay the penalty due toyour sins than by the work of the severest penance.

25) Christ places to your credit a portion of His merits, which youmay offer to GOD the Father in expiation of your offences.

26) For you Christ offers Himself as the most efficacious peace offering,interceding for you as earnestly as He interceded for His enemies on theCross.

27) His Precious Blood pleads for you as countless as the drops whichissued from His sacred veins.

28) Each of the Adorable Wounds His Sacred Body bore, is a voice callingaloud as Mercy for you.

29) For the sake of this propitiatory Victim, the petition offered duringMass will be granted far sooner than those that are offered at other times.

30) Never can you pray so well as when you are at Holy Mass.

31) This is so because Christ unites His prayers to yours, and offersthem to His Heavenly Father.

32) He acquaints Him with your deeds and the dangers to which you areexposed and makes your eternal salvation His particular concern.

33) The Angels who are also present, plead for you and present yourpoor prayers before the Throne of GOD.

34) On your behalf a Priest says Mass, by virtue of which the evil enemywill not be suffered to approach you.

35) For you and for your everlasting salvation he says Mass and offersthe Holy Sacrifice to the GOD Almighty.

36) When you hear Mass, you are yourself in spirit a Priest, empoweredby Christ to offer the Mass both for yourself and others.

37) By offering this Holy Sacrifice, you present to the Blessed Trinitythe most acceptable of oblations.

38) You offer an oblation precious indeed, of greater value of all thingsin Heaven and earth.

39) You offer an oblation precious indeed, for it is none other thanGOD Himself.

40) By this Sacrifice you honour GOD as He alone is worthy to be honoured.

41) By this Sacrifice you give infinite satisfaction to the Most HolyTrinity.

42) You may present this glorious oblation as your gift, for ChristHimself gave it to you.

43) When you hear Mass devoutly, you perform an act of highest worship.

44) By hearing Mass devoutly, you pay the most profound reverence, themost loyal homage, to the sacred humanity of Our Lord.

45) It is the best means whereby to venerate the Passion of Christ,and obtain a share in its fruits.

46) It is also the best means of venerating the Blessed Mother of GOD,and increasing Her Joy.

47) By hearing Mass you can give greater honour to the Angels and theSaints than by reciting many prayers.

48) By hearing Mass devoutly you can also enrich your soul more thanby any other way in the world.

49) For in this act you do perform a good work of the highest value.

50) It is a single exercise of pure Faith, which will receive a greatreward.

51) When you bow down before the Sacred Host and the Sacred chalice,you perform a supreme act of adoration.

52) For each time that you gaze reverently upon the Sacred Host, youwill receive a recompense in Heaven.

53) Each time you smite your breast with compunction some of your sinsare remitted to you.

54) If you hear Mass in a state of mortal sin, GOD offers you the graceof conversion.

55) If you hear Mass in a state of grace, GOD gives you an argumentationof grace.

56) In Holy Mass you spiritually eat the Flesh of Christ, and drinkHis Blood.

57) You are privileged to behold with your own eyes Christ hidden underthe sacramental veil and beheld by Him.

58) You receive the Priest's benediction, which is confirmed by Christin Heaven.

59) Through your diligence in hearing Mass you will also obtain corporaland temporal blessings.

60) Furthermore, you will be preserved from many misfortunes that wouldotherwise befall you.

61) You will also be strengthened against temptation which would otherwisehave vanquished you.

62) Holy Mass will also be to you a means of obtaining the grace ofa Holy death.

63) The love which you have shown for Holy Mass will secure for youthe special succour of Angels and Saints in your last moments.

64) The remembrance of the Masses heard in your life will be a sweetsolace to you in the hour of death and inspire you with confidence in theDivine Mercy.

65) They will not be forgotten when you must stand before the strictJudge and will incline Him to show you favour.

66) You need not fear a long and terrible Purgatory if you have alreadyto a great extent atoned for you sins by frequently assisting at Holy Mass.

67) One Mass devoutly heard will do more to mitigate the pains of Purgatorythan any act of penance, however difficult to perform.

68) One Mass in your lifetime will be of greater service to you thanmany said for you after death.

69) You will attain a high place in Heaven, which will be yours to alleternity.

70) Your felicity in Heaven will, moreover, be increased by every Massthat you heard on earth.

71) No prayers offered for your friends will be efficacious as a singleMass heard and offered on their behalf.

72) You can amply recompense all your benefactors by hearing Mass fortheir intentions.

73) The best help, the greatest consolation, you can give to the sick,the dying, is to hear Mass for them.

74) By this same means you can even obtain for sinners the grace ofconversion.

75) You can also earn for all faithful Christians saving and salutarygraces.

76) For the suffering Souls in Purgatory you can procure abundant refreshmentand relief.

77) And if it is not possible to have Mass said for your departed friends,you can by devout assistance at the Holy Sacrifice release them from thetormenting flames.