Prayer recommended before reading: O most Holy Spirit, enlighten our minds so that we may absorb and understand the great and miraculous powers of the Holy Rosary and the Scapular.
"Whosoever dies clothed in this shall never suffer eternal fire."
Our Lady's Scapular Promise
"Pray the Rosary daily for unity and peace." Our Lady of Fatima
Ventimiglia, the author of an ancient history of the Carmelite Order, revealed how God inspired St. Dominic to prophesy that some day the Blessed Mother would give us two devotions to be known as the Rosary and the Brown Scapular, "AND ONE DAY, THROUGH THE ROSARY AND THE SCAPULAR SHE WOULD SAVE THE WORLD."(1)
In the year 1214 while St. Dominic was trying to convert sinners without success, Our Lady appeared to him, gave him the Rosary and taught him how to use it. Many miraculous conversions resulted!
On July 16, 1251, when the Carmelite Order was in danger of crumbling, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock and gave him the Holy Brown Scapular with the treasured promise that WHOSOEVER DIES CLOTHED IN THIS SHALL NEVER SUFFER ETERNAL FIRE. The trouble ceased.
In 1917 Our Lady appeared at Fatima holding the Rosary and Scapular in Her hands. Sister Lucia, to whom Our Blessed Mother appeared, says that the ROSARY AND SCAPULAR ARE INSEPARABLE, and that Our Lady wants us to use these sacramentals as devotions to Her; and if we heed Her requests, She will save the world, Russia will be converted and there will be peace! If not, Russia will scatter her errors through the whole world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and several entire nations will be wiped out. Yet a 1977 survey showed that less than 2% of the Catholic population of America is even aware of Fatima.
St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying is: Pray the Rosary. - St. Thomas Aquinas preached 40 straight days in Rome just on the Hail Mary. - St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary in his hand. - "The Rosary is the scourge of the devil", Pope Adrian VI. - "The Rosary is a treasure of graces", Pope Paul V. - Padre Pio said: "The Rosary is THE WEAPON." Many saints recommend wearing the Rosary!! |
PIUS XII: "There is no surer means of calling down God's blessings upon the family...than the daily recitation of the Rosary."(2) In an apostolic letter Pius XII referred to the Scapular as a "Sign of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which we are particularly recommending in these perilous times."(3)
LEO XIII:..."encouraged the wearing of the Scapular by granting a plenary indulgence, applicable to the souls in purgatory, to all who visit a Carmelite Church on the Scapular Feast (July 16th)..."(4) Again: "...a powerful means of rendering our courage will undoubtedly be found in the Holy Rosary..." The Rosary for Pope Leo was a weapon with which to conquer the devil. He wrote eight encyclicals on the Rosary.
PAUL VI: "You will make known our will and our exhortations which we base upon the dogmatic constitution of the Ecumenical Council Vatican II which is in complete conformity with our thought and indeed upon which our thought is based: 'That one ever hold in great esteem the practices and exercises of the devotion to the most Blessed Virgin which have been recommended for centuries by the Magisterium of the Church' (-67). And among them we judge well to recall especially the Marian Rosary and the religious use of the Scapular of Mount Carmel."(6)
"A proper appreciation of the sacramentals rests on the realization of their place in the ecclesial plan of salvation: they are less than the Sacraments but more powerful than purely private prayer. Such an attitude removes any danger of exaggerating sacramentals at the expense of Sacraments or of overlooking their significant place in Christian living."(35)
In apparitions to Ven. Mary of Agreda (1602-1665), a Franciscan nun and mystical writer in Spain, the Holy Trinity revealed the privileges that Our Blessed Mother should enjoy in virtue of Her participation in His Majesty. The three Divine Persons placed upon the head of Mary a crown of unmatched splendor while saying: "My Beloved...Thou shalt be the Lady and Sovereign of the seraphim, of all ministering spirits, the angels and of the entire universe of creatures...In thy hands...we place the influences...of the heavens...and...do Thou distribute (them) according to thy will and our own will shall be at thy disposal for the execution of thy wishes...We make Thee...the Treasurer of our goods;...of our grace for distribution; nothing do We wish to be given...which does not pass through thy hands; and nothing do We deny which Thou wishest to concede to men."(7)
One day in 1460 Blessed Alan de la Roche was saying Mass. Our Lord, Who wished to spur him on to preach the Rosary, spoke to him from the Sacred Host: " 'How can you crucify Me again so soon?' Jesus said. 'What did you say, Lord?' asked Blessed Alan, horrified. 'You crucified Me once before by your sins,' answered Jesus, 'and I would willingly be crucified again rather than have my Father offended by the sins you used to commit. You are crucifying Me again now because you have all the learning and understanding that you need to preach My Mother's Rosary and you are not doing so. If you only did this you could teach many souls the right path and lead them away from sin - but you are not doing it and so you, yourself, are guilty of the sins that they commit.' "(8)
In 1481 Our Lady appeared to Venerable Dominic, the Carthusian, and said, "Whenever one who is in the state of grace says the Rosary while meditating on the mysteries of the life and passion of Jesus Christ, he obtains full and entire remission of all sins."(10)
"Our Lady said to Blessed Alan, 'I want you to know that although there are numerous indulgences already attached to the praying of My Rosary, I shall add many more to every fifty Hail Marys...FOR THOSE WHO PRAY THEM DEVOUTLY, ON THEIR KNEES - BEING, OF COURSE, FREE FROM MORTAL SIN. And whosoever shall persevere in the devotion of the Holy Rosary...I shall obtain for him full remission of the penalty and of the guilt of all his sins at the end of his life...It is very easy for me because I am the Mother of the King of Heaven, and He calls me full of grace...I am able to dispense freely to my children.' "(11)
St. Dominic said to Blessed Alan that "by means of this holy practice of the Rosary you may draw all people to the real science of virtues."(12)
St. Louis de Montfort said, "It would hardly be impossible for me to put into words how much Our Lady thinks of the Holy Rosary and of how she vastly prefers it to all other devotions. Neither can I sufficiently express how highly she rewards those who work to preach the devotion, to establish it and spread it, nor on the other hand how firmly she punishes those who work against it."(13) He also said, "Nor have I any better secret of knowing whether a person is for God than to examine if he likes to say the Hail Mary and the Rosary."(14)
St. Dominic told Pope Innocent III that he had received a command from Heaven to establish the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. The Holy Father gave his full approval and became a member himself. Joining this Confraternity brings more indulgences than any other. Address: Rosary Confraternity, 141 E. 65th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10021. U.S.A. (14a)
Whosoever shall faithfully pray My Rosary:
Mystical City of God: Our Lady reveals shocking reasons for difference between primitive and present church ministers; also the greatest of all injuries committed against the Lord by the children of the Church (Vol. 4, pp. 229-236). About Holy Communion Our Lady says, "I tell thee...in the primitive church...so many were saved by it, now there are countless souls who damn themselves through it." (Vol. 4, p. 132) |
Praying the Rosary can become monotonous if we do not meditate on the mysteries of the life of Our Lord. The difference between stating a fact and knowing the details surrounding that fact can make a tremendous difference in making meditations meaningful. Details of the mysteries may be found in Divine Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary, extracts from Mystical City of God. Order from TAN Books, P.O. Box 424, Rockford, IL. 61105.
Many writers tell the story of Alexandre, a girl of noble station, "who had been miraculously converted and enrolled by St. Dominic in the Confraternity of the Most Rosary. After her death she apeared to him and said that she had been condemned to seven hundred years in purgatory because of her own sins and those she made others commit by her worldly ways. So she implored him to ease her pains by his prayers and to ask the confraternity members to pray for the same end. St. Dominic did as she asked. Two weeks later she appeared to him, more radiant than the sun, having been quickly delivered from purgatory through the prayers that the confraternity members had said for her. She also told him that the Holy Souls in Purgatory had given her a message to beg him to go on preaching the Holy Rosary and to beg their relatives to offer their Rosaries for them, and that they would reward them abundantly when they came into their glory."(9)
Several nations, recently, have proven the great and miraculous powers of Our Lady's Rosary. Mr. Al Williams, a native of Austria, tells us how 10% of the Catholics in his country drove out the Russians by praying the Rosary.(15)
Innumerable miracles have been wrought by Mary's Sacramentals - Rosary and Scapular. Oh, if only mankind were aware of this!
In presenting the Scapular to St. Simon Stock for the world, Our Lady made but one condition to Her promise of salvation: "Whosoever dies clothed in this shall never suffer eternal fire."(16) She promises that anyone who enters Her family of Carmel, and dies, shall not be lost. In effect, She is telling us that Her Scapular is our passport to Heaven. True devotion to Mary always has these notes: homage, confidence, and love. To be a sign of salvation, those three notes must be practiced perseveringly. When we invest ourselves in the Scapular we practice the homage of becoming members of the Queen's battalion, we profess confidence in Her promises, and we become Her special children of love. But, in order to be assured of salvation, we must persevere in those sentiments. By wearing the sign (Scapular) of membership until death, we can continually show the Mother of God that we venerate Her, believe in Her and love Her. (Scapular must be worn around neck.)
In 1910 Pope Pius X delared that the cloth Scapular, after enrollment, could be replaced by a medal which has on one side an image of Our Lady - this exemption to be used only in torrid zones among natives. He then said: "I believe in the Scapular vision...I desire most vehemently that the cloth be worn as heretofore."(17)
Benedict XV, so anxious and determined to make it very clear to all that the medal was positively never meant to replace the brown cloth Scapular (except in extreme cases) declared on July 8, 1916: " 'In order that one may see that it is Our desire that the Brown Scapular be worn we concede to it a grace that the Scapular Medal shall not enjoy.' And the pontiff proceeded to grant an indulgence of 500 days for each time the cloth Scapular is kissed."(18) On July 16th, the Scapular feast, while addressing the seminarians of Rome, Benedict XV said: "Let all of you have a common language and a common armor: the language, the sentences of the Gospel; the common armor, the Scapular of the Virgin of Carmel, which you all ought to wear and which enjoys the singular privilege of protection even after death."(19)
"Pope Leo XI recognized one aspect of the sacramental quality of the Scapular when he said, on its being accidentally removed from him atthe moment of his Papal investiture: 'Leave me Mary (the Scapular) lest Mary leave me.' So did the Cure of the Ars (St. John Vianney) when he called the Scapular one's safeguard against temptation. So also did Bl. Claude de la Colombiere when he declared that 'no other devotion renders our salvation so certain.' "
"The wearing of the Scapular is always a potent means of grace. German Catholics express this with their own word for the Scapular: Gnadenkleid, i.e., Grace-garment."(21) It is always a powerful means of grace because it always assures us of Mary's continuous prayers. The Scapular is a silent way of saying to Mary that we venerate Her, we have confidence in Her and we love Her. By simply wearing the Scapular, we tell Her all these things every minute, and that we are praying to Her and She is praying for us without ceasing until we are with Her in Heaven. So much for so little! Mary is morally there!!!
Bl. Alan said that a man had tried so many devotions to rid himself of the devil who possesed him, but without success. Wearing his Rosary around his neach eased him considerably. Whenever he took it off the devil tormented him so he resolved to wear it always. This drove the devil away forever. Bl. Alan said that he delivered many people who were possessed by putting the Rosary around their neck. |
In 1845, a shipload of passengers in danger of being sunk by a tornado in the Indian Ocean, were saved from a watery grave when a young Catholic sailor took off his Scapular, waved it in the form of the cross and threw it into the ocean. Immediately its fury abated! Shortly afterwards a wavelet washed the Scapular onto the deck at the sailor's feet. A Protestant minister, Rev. James Fisher, his wife and children witnessed the Scapular miracle. After docking in Australia, the Fishers found a priest who received them into the Catholic Church.(22)
A house in St. Aulaye, France was discovered in flames. Fr. Lejeune induced a boy to throw his Scapular into the burning house. The fire instantly stopped. Next day the Scapular was found in the debris perfectly intact and uninjured.(23)
In writing the Preface for Sign of Her Heart by John M. Haffert, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen states: "There must be something of this symbolism of Mary's gift of the Scapular which was originally a habit. 'The beauty of the King's daughter is from within.' Mary's gift of clothing is just a simple garment sufficient to cover the traces of original sin in us, but its very simplicity is also a witness to the fact that her own beautiful mantle covers our souls. The Scapular bears therefore a double witness: to Mary's protection against the ravages of the flesh occasioned by the Fall, and to Mary's influence as Mediatrix of graces, who covers our souls with the richness of her Son's Redemption."(25)
All of the above being true, let us never forget that when we reject Our Lady's sacramentals, the Rosary and the Scapular, we become easy prey to the devil. On the other hand, if enough of us were to accept them, the devil would be swept off the earth, Russia would be converted and there would be peace!
Hail, O Queen of mercy and of the Holy Rosary and the Scapular, protect us from the enemy and receive us at the hour of our death!! |
J. Neville Ward, a Methodist minister, praises the Rosary as an excellent aid to prayer and meditation in his most edifying book, Five For Sorrow Ten For Joy.(26) He states that Protestants lost much in not adopting this traditionally Catholic method of devotion.
Dr. James A. Beebe, a Methodist theologian, says that Protestant prayer suffered because it lacked a system of controlled meditation. He said that the Catholic Rosary, with its definite symbols, held the mind, and he urged other churches to utilize this method of prayer.
Many other Protestants have discovered the priceless treasure of the Rosary and the Scapular. For example, a former Protestant minister, Max Broussard, after reading The Secret of the Rosary and The Sign of Her Heart, was so edified that he accepted the Brown Scapular, taught himself how to pray the Rosary, made Rosaries and Scapulars and inspired other Protestants to accept these sacramentals. To make a long story short - he is now a Roman Catholic pastor in the Diocese of Lafayette, La., U.S.A. This being so, why should we not share these grace-giving sacramentals with our Protestant friends? They are more readily accepted than most people think.
The Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima that traversed the world have been received with reverence and honor amongst Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists and people of other non-Catholic faiths. Entire Buddhist villages asked to be allowed to venerate the statue in 1975. Their own bonzes, or Buddhist monks, led them in these demonstrations of love for Mary.
It is unfortunate that some in the Church today feel that these traditional devotions of the Rosary and the Scapular should be minimized as though they were a hindrance to the pure Christian life, or a hindrance towards union with our separated brethren to whom these devotions are not so well known.
A theological device, which St. Louis de Montfort describes as the short, easy, secure and perfect path to Christ, is true devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Saint says that by this devotion we give more glory to God in a short period than by years of "automation" into theology, an accelerated process by which modern man can sanctify himself. St. Louis tells us in his writings of 1711 that this "secret of grace" is reserved for an age of great peril in the Church. Could this be the age? (Read his True Devotion to Mary, available from TAN Books, P.O. Box 424, Rockford, IL 61105.)
Our Lady told Jacinta of Fatima that fashions would be introduced that would hurt Our Lord very much. LET US REFLECT ON FASHIONS TODAY!! Any fashion that draws attention to the body and causes others to sin in their hearts is evil. St. John Chrysostom says, "You carry your snare everywhere", in effect, you invite others to sin when indecently dressed. In The Mystical City of God (Vol. 3, p. 345) Our Lady says that when a woman loses the virtue of modesty, nothing remains in her.
SEQUENCE OF EVENTS Gen. 3, 15: God told Satan, "She shall crush thy head." Tradition tells us that She is Our Immaculate Mother. 17th century: In the Mystical City of God, God said that through Mary's intercession all heresies would be destroyed. Many of Mary's mysteries are reserved for latter days. (Vol. 2, p. 290) 18th century: St. Louis de Montfort wrote about apostles of the latter times, who would consecrate themselves to Mary, without reserve, and be like sharp arrows in Her hands to pierce Her enemies. (True Devotion, pp. 35-38) 20th century: Mary's priests will be victorious through Her Immaculate Heart. Read Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, P.O. Box 8, St. Francis, Me. WARNING: God's angel of vengeance (Apoc. 15) is the one through whom God will avenge with a dreadful chastisement the injuries committed against His Mother. (Mystical City of God, Vol. 1, p. 218). |
At Fatima Our Lady asked that we consecrate ourselves to Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to hasten the destruction of Communism. To quicken this, let us make the following consecration daily:
Oh Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven
and earth, refuge of sinners we consecrate our hearts, our souls, our families
and all that we have to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. And, in order that
this consecration be truly effective and lasting, we renew today the promises of
our Baptism and Confirmation, and we undertake to be faithful to God, the
Church, and the Holy Father. In response to Your requests at Fatima, Oh most
pure and merciful Mother Mary, we desire to offer our daily duties as a
sacrifice for the conversion of sinners, to pray Your Holy Rosary daily, and
wear Your Holy Brown Scapular until death as a sign of total consecration to
Your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, partake of the Holy Eucharist, attach
special importance to First Saturdays and work for the conversion of
Furthermore, we promise, Oh Most Holy Virgin, that
we will zealously spread the message You gave to us at Fatima for the conversion
of Russia so that the Kingdom of Christ may be hastened.
Revelations from Jesus and Mary to various saints and other holy people such as Bl. Anne Marie Taigi, Ven. Anna Catharina Emmerick, Pere Lamy, Padre Pio and others, invariably revealed our need to make REPARATION, to be FERVENT, to make MORTIFICATIONS, to make the WAY OF THE CROSS, to pray the ROSARY, to wear the SCAPULAR, to ask for intercession of ST. MICHAEL and all ANGELS and SAINTS, to pray often for the SOULS in PURGATORY, to use HOLY WATER frequently, and to make VISITS TO THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. They especially asked for frequent CONFESSION, daily attendance at the HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS and REVERENT reception of HOLY COMMUNION. Our Lord and Our Lady revealed to these holy people that we are running toward Hell in great rejoicing and merrymaking as though we were going to a masquerade ball of the devil himself! The approved writings of these holy people tell us that the measure of sin is filled - the day of God's wrath on His unfaithful people is near - the world is sleeping in false security - false prophets are prevalent - the wickedness of today is worse than in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah when they ignored God's Prophet. Remember their fate!!!
Holy Scripture tells us that our forgetfulness of God is the cause of all hatred, misery and wars, and warms us that if we do not listen to His revelations through His prophets we would be chastised.
If we would read Chapter 24 of Matthew and then look at the signs of evil today (breakdown of family life, sinful use of sex, perversion, violence, disobedience, indecent dress - causing others to sin, excessive drinking, drugs, abortion, pornography, homosexuality and especially the garbage being fed to us by the diabolic use of T.V. and movies, which, instead, could be used to perform the most noble act of propagating Heaven's weapons for unity, peace and salvation - the Scapular and the Rosary, etc.) and the signs of nature (earthquakes, droughts, pestilence, storms, floods, famine, failure of crops, etc.) we should believe what has been revealed. These warnings also coincide with messages given by Our Lady at LaSalette, Lourdes, Fatima, etc.
In 1917, the year Russia began to spread its evils, at Fatima Our Lady warned us that if Her requests were not heeded atheistic Russia would spread its evils throughout the world and eventually many nations would be annihilated. If we are willing to face reality and look at the conditions of the world we will know that we have not heeded Her requests.
The late CARDINAL YU PIN of Taiwan said that Communism has spread through the world and "the world is at a turning point in history and the fate of mankind hangs in the balance...we are in the last period of time sufficient to change the course of history and inspire a cry to WAKE UP."(31a) Read WHY IS COMMUNISM INTRINSICALLY EVIL? ROME IS THE BIG PRIZE by Rev. Peter Kurguz, O.P., available from The Catholic Russian Center, 101-20th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94121, U.S.A.
The No. 1 killer is not war, it is abortion! In nine wars and over 200 years since 1776, there have been 667,286 American battle deaths. A 1977 news release stated that over fifty million unborn babies were killed that year in the world. In 1979 ABC news stated that 1 out of 4 pregnancies is aborted. Now it is one in three and is quickly increasing.
The U.S.A. was founded on faith in God, yet it is difficult to express that faith since, in many situations, prayer is illegal. Think of this: Prayer is illegal, abortion is legal! It is illegal to break the egg of the American bald Eagle but legal to kill the unborn child!
If the state can "legalize" the murder of some, it can "legalize" the murder of many. Abortion today "justifies" euthanasia tomorrow.
The informed know that for centuries Our Lord and His Mother have been trying so hard to get us not only to accept the Rosary and the Scapular as tools to cultivate and keep alive the faith given us at Baptism, but also to tell the ignorant about them.
Oh, if we could only be inspired to do something about saving the world! Let us now heed Our Lady's requests: 1. Consecrate ourselves to Her Immaculate Heart and wear the Brown Scapular as a sign. 2. Pray at least five decades of the Rosary daily while meditating on the mysteries of the life, passion, death and resurrection of Our Lord. 3. Offer our daily duties for the salvation of souls.
Padre Pio said that Russia would be converted when there are as many members of the Blue Army as there are Communists. Padre Pio died in 1968 and he, like Brother Gino, was a stigmatist.
A word of warning to those who might be inspired to not only accept but also to do something about this apostolate. That is, expect to be hindered, ridiculed, and persecuted, sometimes by best friends. When that happens, let us look at the Crucifix. There is absolute proof of the great value of suffering. Also during such persecution, let us meditate on Padre Pio's words, "If humanity could realize the value of suffering, we would not look for pleasure, but for pain."(34)
The above caption is a prayer which is
in paying homage to the Holy Face - a picture taken from the Holy
Shroud of Turin. It is unfortunate that Pius X's instructions concerning
devotion to the Holy Face were not heeded. He advocated that the Holy Face
should bring sorrow to our hearts and cause us to atone for our sins. Great
devotees of the Holy Face, such as St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Gertrude, Padre
Pio, St. John Vianney, and others, said that this devotion would bring perfect
contrition and closeness to God, appease God's anger toward sinners, obtain
petitions, bear fruitfulness in good works, wipe Jesus' adorable, suffering face
as did Veronica, and preserve families in faith.
Nothing is more dear to the Heart of God than a human soul!
One might become the hero of nations and it would be nothing in comparison with
the glory of procuring the salvation of a single soul! No greater act of charity
can we perform than to save our neighbor from Hell!
Lady of Fatima said,"Make sacrifices for sinners and say often especially
while making a sacrifice: O Jesus, this is for love of Thee, for the conversion
of sinners, and in reparation for offenses committed against the Immaculate
Heart of Mary."
One of the most meritorius acts that we can perform on earth is to aid the souls in Purgatory. St. Francis de Sales, a great devotee of Our Lady's sacramentals - the Rosary and the Scapular, said that with charity towards the dead we practice all the works of charity. The Church encourages us to aid the souls in Purgatory, who in turn will reward us abundantly when they come into their glory! Let us perform this great work of charity!
"God has entrusted Mary with the keeping, the administration and distribution of all His graces, so that all His graces and gifts pass through Her hands; and (according to the power She has received over them), as St. Bernardine teaches, Mary gives to whom She wills, the way She wills, when She wills and as much as She wills, the graces of the Eternal Father, the virtues of Jesus Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit."(27)
"As in the order of nature, a child must have a father and a mother, so likewise in the order of grace, a true child of the Church must have God for his Father and Mary for his Mother; and if any one should glory in having God for his Father and yet has not the love of a true child of Mary, he is a deceiver and the only father he has is the devil."(28) KEEP MARY IN MIND & JESUS WILL GROW IN YOUR HEART.
"Mary has received a special office and power over our souls in order to nourish them and give them growth in God. St. Augustine even says that during their present life all the elect are hidden in Mary's womb and that they are not truly born until the Blessed Mother brings them forth to life eternal. Consequently, just as the child draws all its nourishment from the mother, who gives it in proportion to the child's weakness, so in like manner do the elect draw all their spiritual nourishment and strength from Mary."(29)
"Satan fears Mary, and he especially fears Her in Her promise of salvation. How could we better practice an apostolate against him at the present stage, than by dispelling the clouds of ignorance which hide Her there?...'They who explain Me shall have life everlasting' is a passage of Scripture (IN THE OLD BIBLE, NOT THE NEW) (Ecclus. 24:31) that has caused many men to write about the Blessed Virgin. She has already promised life everlasting; but if we explain Her, spreading books written about Her, may we not hope that so bountiful a Mother will give us life everlasting more abundantly? Not only is She never outdone in generosity, but today, more than ever, She wants it more to be known that She may draw men to Her Son."(30)
Our Lady told St. Dominic, "My son...do not be surprised that your sermons fail to bear the results you had hoped for. You are trying to cultivate a piece of ground which has not had any rain. Now when Almighty God planned to renew the face of the earth He started by sending down rain from the heaven - and this was the Angelic Salutation (Hail Mary!). In this way God made over the world." Blessed Alan urged all priests to say a Hail Mary with the faithful before preaching, to ask for God's grace.
"Because Holy Water is one of the Church's sacramentals, through its devout use and the charity of the user, venial sins are remitted. Keep your souls beautifully pure in God's sight by using Holy Water as follows: Dip your fingers in Holy Water and say: 'By this Holy Water by by Thy Precious Blood wash away all my sins, O Lord.' "(36) And then make the sign of the cross.
Mystical City of God, Vol. 3: 1st Mass immediately after last supper; Christ asks Mary's permission to be crucified; Mary suffered passion like Jesus-PLUS; 5115 lashes during passion; Christ's last will; exact location of purgatory, limbo, & hell; hottest place in hell reserved for Christians; women not to preach in public; etc. etc. Vol 4: Mary cause of creed; God changed angel into devil and demon into angel; Mary founded 1st monastery - rules included; Her flights by air, last will, death at 70, Fri., 13th at 3 P.M., assumption of soul and then body 3 days later; how to avoid sudden death, crop failure, contagious diseases; devil assigned at our conceptions; Mary ascended into Heaven with Christ - given a choice to remain, chose to descend to earth to found new church; Mary, who holds keys of Heaven, is anxious to let us in, if only we ask; humility imperative for salvation; without penance-no grace; etc., etc. |
Good Father, St. Joseph, Virgin husband of Our
Immaculate Mother Mary and head of the Holy Family, whose protection is so
great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, we place in your hands all
our interests and desires, especially the world-wide distribution and financing
of the leaflet "Heaven's Weapons for Unity, Peace and Salvation for All
Mankind", so that the entire human race can be introduced to your Virgin Spouse,
Our Mother. And, too, that humanity is made aware of the great and miraculous
powers of Her Sacramentals, the Holy Rosary and the Scapular of Mt. Carmel.
Also, good Father, St. Joseph, please pray that with the knowledge contained in
the leaflet, mankind is inspired to heed God's peace plan given to us at Fatima,
by His Mother and ours: Rosary - Scapular - Sacrifice!! Good Father, St. Joseph,
we also ask you to please inspire mankind to read the City of God by Mary
of Agreda.
Good Mother, Mary, please pray that your virgin
husband, our good father, St. Joseph, is successful with the distribution and
financing of the leaflet "Heaven's Weapons", and in inspiring mankind to read
the City of God.
Read in City of God Vol. I p. 604 St. Joseph to sit in final judgment; Vol. II p. 166-eminent sanctity of St. Joseph; p. 376 Virgin Mary was always obedient to Her virgin Spouse, St. Joseph; p. 572 St. Joseph ordained as healer & teacher; p. 583-first words Jesus spoke to St. Joseph; Vol. III p. 151 Jesus to Mary: "With none of the human born shall I do as with thy spouse." p. 163 St. Joseph sanctified in his mother's womb. |
(NOTE: Additional footnote numbers lister after first listing of source.)
(Lack of numerical sequence due to revised edition.)
(1) J.M.
Haffert, Sign of Her Heart, (Washington, N.J.; Ave Maria Institute,
1971). ALSO FOOTNOTES 3, 4, 16-25, 30.
(2) St. Louis de Montfort,
The Secret of the Rosary, (TAN, P.O. Box 424, Rockford, IL 61105), inside
front cover. ALSO FOOTNOTES 5, 8-14a, 31, 37.
(6) Soul,
July-Aug., 1977, p. 17
(7) Ven. Mary of Agreda, Mystical City of God,
(Washington, N.J.; Ave Maria Institute, 1971; 4 vols), vol 4, p. 655.
(4) St.
Louis de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, (Bay Shore, N.Y.; Montfort
Publications, 1974) p. 169.
(14b) Taken from book mark with imprimatur by
Archbishop P.K. Hayes of New York; TAN, P.O. Box 424, Rockford, IL
(15) "Padre Pio, Theresa Neumann and Fatima," leaflet, (Washinton,
N.J.; Ave Maria Institute), ALSO FOOTNOTES 33, 34.
(26) J. Neville
Ward, Five For Sorrow Ten For Joy, (Garden City, N.Y.; Image Books,
1974). 27. St. Louis de Montfort, Secret of Mary, (Bayshore, N.Y.; Montfort
Publications, 1947). ALSO FOOTNOTE NOS. 28, 29).
(31a) The National
Catholic Register, Oct. 1, 1978, p. 8.
(32) Soul, Mar.-Apr., 1977,
p. 28. ALSO FOOTNOTE NO. 26a Jan.-Feb., 1979, p. 13.
(35) New
Catholic Encyclopedia (New York; McGraw Hill, 1966), Vol. XII, p.
(36) "Holy Water - A Means of Spiritual Wealth", (Elyria, Ohio; Stacks,
Rosaries, Scapulars, books and other religious articles may be purchased
from: Our Lady
of the Rosary Library, 11721 Hidden Creek Road, Prospect, KY
40059, write for a catalog of many inspiring books.
Almighty God, who commanded Mary of Agreda to write The Mystical City of God, praises the work thus: "Happy they who find it and blessed they who shall appreciate its value, rich they who shall come upon this treasure, and blessed and very wise those who shall search into and shall understand its marvels and hidden mysteries." Vol I, p. 53. Just reading about Holy Family's 7 yrs. in Egypt should be enough to change one's life!! |