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Beginning of Mass

(At the Foot of the Altar.)


The priest comes down from the altar and genu­flects on the first step. The server makes the Sign of the Cross as the priest says:


In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Introibo ad altare Dei.


Ad     De -um   qui    lae-ti-  fi-  cat    ju- ven-tu-tem   me-  am.    
Add   day -oom   kwee  lay-tee-fee-kaht   you-ven-too-tem    may-ahm.


Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.


Qui-   a     tu      es,       De-us,       for-ti-  tu-   do me-  a,       qua-  re    me   

Kwee-ah    too      ess,     day-oos,      for-tee-too-doe   may-ah,      kwah-ray    may  

re-  pu- lis- ti?     Et  qua-  re  tris-tis   in-ce-  do,     dum  af- fli-  git me 

ray-poo-lis- tee ?    Ett   kwah-ray tris-tiss   in-chay-doe,    doom  af- flee -jit  may 

in- i-  mi-  cus?

in-ee-mee-  koos?


Emitte lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in montem sanctum tuum, et in tabernacula tua.


Et   in-tro-i-bo   ad   al-ta-  re   De-  i;    ad De- um    qui     lae-ti- fi-  cat     ju-

Ett    in-tro ee-bo  add  al- tah-ray  day-ee;    ad  day-oom   kwee   lay-tee-fee-kaht   you -

ven-tu-  tem  me-am.

ven -too- tem   may-ahm.


Confitebor tibi in cithara, Deus, Deus meus; quare tristis es, anima mea, et quare conturbas me?


Sper-  a    in     De-  o, quo-ni-  am    ad-  huc  con-fi-  te- bor   il-  li,               

Spair - ah    in     day - o,  kwo-nee-ahm    ad - hook   kon-fee-tay-bor    ill-lee

sa-  lu- ta- re   vul- tus  me-  i,  et    De- us    me-  us.

sah- loo-tah-ray  vool-toos may-ee, ett   day-oos    may- oos


Gloria   Patri,  et  Filio,  et  Spiritui   Sancto.


The server bows his head at the Gloria Patri.


Si-  cut  er- at  in  prin-ci-    pi-o,  et   nunc, et   sem-per, et  in    sae-cu-la

See-koot air-aht  in   prin-chee-pee-o   ett   noonk, ett   sem - pair  ett  in    say-koo-lah  

sae- cu-   lor-  um.     A-men.

say -  koo –1or- oom.     ah-men.




Introibo ad altare Dei.


Ad  de-  um     qui   lae-ti-  fi- cat   ju-  ven-tu- tem  me-am.

Add day-oom   kwee lay- tee-fee-kant  you-ven- too- tem   may-ahm.


The server makes the Sign of the Cross as the priest says:—


Adjutorium nostrum  in nomine  Domini.


Qui      fe-cit   coe-  lum  et   ter-ram.

Kwee   fay-chit  chay-loom   et   tair-rahm.


The server remains kneeling erect while the priest bows down and says the Confiteor.

Confiteor  Deo, etc.


The   server,    inclining   his   head   and   shoulders slightly towards the priest, says:—


Mi-  ser- e- a- tur      tu-  i    om- ni-   po- tens De-us,   et    di-  mis-sis  

Mee-zair-ae-ah-toor      too-ee  om - nee - po - tens   day-oos,  ett   dee-miss-siss

pec-   ca-   tis  tu-  is, per-du-  cat    te   ad  vi-  tam  ae- ter-   nam.

peck - kah - tis    too-iss, pair-doo-kaht   tay  add  vee-tahm  ae - tair - nahm.


Turning his face towards the altar, and making a profound inclination, the server says the Conflteor. At the words, mea culpa, etc., he strikes his breast. At the words, et tibi pater, et te pater, he turns slightly towards the priest. After he has said the Confiteor the server remains bowed down till he answers the first Amen.


Con-fi-  te- or  De-o        om-ni-  po-ten-ti,

Con-fee-tay-or   day-o         om-nee- po-ten-tee,

be- a- tae   Ma-  ri- ae    sem-per     vir- gi- ni,

bay-ah-tay    mah-ree-ae     sem - pair    veer-jee-nee

be- a-  to      Mi-  cha-e-li     Arch-an-  ge-  lo,

bay-ah-toe      mee-kah-ae-lee    ark - ahn - jay - lo,

be-  a- to   Jo-an- ni    Bap-tis-  tae,   sanc-tis

bay-ah-toe   yo-ann-nee   bap - tiss - tay,   sank – tiss

A-  pos-to-   lis    Pe-tro   et   Pau-Io,  om-ni-

ah - pos - to - liss    pay-tro   ett    pow-lo,   om-nee -

bus    sanc-tis,   et    ti-  bi,    Pa- ter,  qui-  a

boos    sank - tis,     ett   tee-bee,   pah-tair,  kwee-ah

pec-ca-  vi      ni-  mis   co-gi-  ta-  ti- o-ne,

peck-kah-vee     nee-mis     ko-jee-taht-see-o-nay,

ver-bo    et  o-per-e,   me-  a cul-  pa, me-  a

vair - bo   ett  o-pair-ray, may-ah kool-pah, may-ah

cul- pa,     me-a  max-i-  ma   cul-pa.    l- de-o

kool-pah,   may-ah max-ee-mah  kool-pah. Ee-day-o

pre-  cor    be-a-tam    Ma-  ri-  am    sem-per

pray - kor    bay-ah-tahm   mah-ree-ahm    sem - pair

Vir-    gi-  nem,   be-  a- tum    Mi-  cha-e-lem

veer - jee - nem,     bay-ah-toom     mee-kah-ae-lem

Arch-an- ge-   lum,   be-a-  tum   Jo-  an-  nem

ark - ahn - jay - loom,   bay-ah-toom   yo - dnn - nem

Bap-tis-tam,      sanc-tos    A-  pos-  to- los

bap - tiss - tahm,   sank - toce    ah - pos - to - loce

Pe-trum    et    Pau-lum,    om-nes    sanc-

pay-troom   ett    pow -loom,   ora - ness   s a n k -

tos,   et   te,    Pa-ter,  o-ra- re   pro   me   ad

toce,   ett  tay,   pah-tair,  o-rah-ray   pro   may  add

Dom- i-   num   De-  um   nos-  trum.

dom - ee - noom   day-oom   noss - troom.


The server remains profoundly inclined while the priest says:


Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et, dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam.


The server kneels erect and answers:


A -men.



The server blesses himself with the priest.


Indulgentiam, absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.





Priest and Server make a moderate inclination towards the altar as the priest says:


Deus tu conversus vivificabis nos.


Et   plebs  tu-  a lae-ta-  bi- tur  in te.

Ett   plebs    too-ah lay-tah-bee-toor in tay.


Ostende  nobis,   Domine,  misericordiam  tuam.


Et sa- lu-  ta-  re tu-  um  da   no-bis.

Ett sah-loo-tah-ray too-oom  dah   no-biss.


Domine, exaudi orationem meam.


Et   cla-   mor   me-us    ad   te   ve- ni-  at.

Ett   klah - mor   may-oos   add   tay vay-nee-aht.


Dominus vobiscum.


Et  cum     spi-  ri- tu  tu- o.

Ett  koom    spee-ree-too too-o.


As soon as the priest ascends the altar steps, the server rises and kneels on the first step. If there is no step he remains kneeling on the floor. He makes the Sign of the Cross with the priest at the Introit. After reading the Introit the priest moves to the centre of the altar and says:


Kyrie eleison.


Ky-  ri-  e    e- le- i-  son.

Kee-ree-ae   ae-lay-ee-son.


Kyrie eleison.


Chris-te    e-  le- i- son.

Kris-   tay   ae-lay-ee-son.


Christe eleison.


Chris-te   e- le-  i- son.

Kris - tay   ae-lay-ee-son.


Kyrie eleison.


Ky-  ri-   e   e- le-  i- son.

Kee-ree- ae  ae-lay-ee-son.


Kyrie eleison.


The priest says the Gloria in Excelsis Deo. At the conclusion of the Gloria, the server blesses himself with the priest. The  priest  kisses  the  altar,   turns  round  to  the people, and says:


Dominus vobiscum.


Et  cum     spi-  ri-  tu  tu-o.

Ett  koom    spee-ree-too  too-o.


The Gloria is not said in Masses for the Dead, nor when the priest wears purple vestments, nor when he wears green vestments at a week-day Mass.

After the Gloria follow the prayers Of the Mass of the day. In reading these prayers the priest holds his hands extended, but joins them and bows to the Cross, at the conclusion of the first and last prayer. The first and last prayer end with the words: Per omnia saecula saeculorum.


The server answers each time:





The priest begins the Epistle by resting his hands either on the Missal itself or on the stand. The Epistle always begins with the word "Lectio" (leck-see-o).

At the conclusion of the Epistle he lowers the tone of his voice or places his left hand on the altar, as a sign to the server to answer:


De-o     gra-   ti-  as.

Day-o    graht-see-ass.


The server rises, genuflects in the centre of the altar, and goes the longest way round to the Epistle corner.

He waits there, with hands joined, until the priest finishes reading. Then he ascends the side steps, takes the stand with the Missal on it in both hands, bows to the priest, descends the front steps to the centre of the altar, genuflects on the floor, ascends the front steps, and places the stand and Missal on the altar towards the Gospel corner.


At the Gospel


The priest says:


Dominus vobiscum.


The server, standing on the top side step, answers:


Et  cum   spi- ri-   tu tu- o.

Ett  koom  spee-ree-too too-o.


The server, with the inside surface of his thumb, makes a small cross on his forehead, lips, and breast, as the priest says:


Sequentia Sancti Evangelii secundum  (Mattheum).


The server answers:


Glor-i-  a  ti-  bi,   Dom- i - ne.

Glor-ee-ah tee-bee,  dom-  ee-nay.


The server then bows to the priest, steps down to the pavement, and goes the longest way round to the centre of the altar, genuflects, passes over to the Epistle side, and stands there for the Gospel.

At the conclusion of the Gospel, when the priest kisses the book, the server answers:


La us   ti-   bi,   Chris-te.

Lowse   tee-bee,   kris -   tay.


If the priest chooses this time for speaking to the people, the server sits down on the first step or in a nearby chair as is according to the custom of the place; otherwise the server kneels down on the first step as soon as the priest kisses the altar, or begins the Credo.


On Sundays and first class feasts the priest says the Nicene Creed. It is said on the feasts of our Lord and of our Lady; during the Octaves of Christ­mas, Easter, and Pentecost; on the feasts of the Apostles and Evangelists; but not on the feasts of the angels, or of the Doctors of the Church,


At the words, Et homo factus est, the priest genuflects, and the server makes a profound inclination.


At the conclusion of the Credo, the server blesses himself with the priest.


The priest kisses the altar, turns round to the people, and says:


Dominus vobiscum.


Et  cum   spi-  ri-   tu  tu-o.

Ett  koom   spee-ree-too  too-o.


At the Offertory


After the Oremus, the server ascends to the right of the priet.When the priest takes the veil off the chalice at the beginning of the Offertory, the server takes it from him and folds it on the right side of the altar, then he goes to the credence table for the cruets.


He takes a cruet in each hand—the wine cruet in the right hand—and stands on the top step facing the priest.


Should the predella—that is, the platform part of the altar on which the priest stands—extend two or three, feet beyond each end of the altar, as is the case in some churches, the server may, for convenience sake, stand on it near the corner of the altar. As the priest approaches with the chalice for the wine and water, the server bows to him, and then offers him the wine.


Passing the water cruet into his right hand,-the server receives back the wine cruet in his left hand, and offers the water to be blessed. He receives back the water cruet in his right hand, bows to the priest, and places the cruets back on the table.


He now places the finger-towel over his left arm, takes the cruet dish, or the finger-bowl, in his left hand, the water cruet in his right hand, and stands again on the top step, or on the predella, facing the priest.


As the priest approaches, the server bows to him, and then pours the water gently over his fingers, taking care not to touch his fingers with the cruet, offers him the towel, receives it back on the left arm, bows again, and places the cruet, and dish, and finger-towel, back in their allotted place. He then kneels again in his place at the Epistle side.


At the Orate Fratres


The priest kisses the altar, turns round to the people, and says:


Orate, fratres, ut meum ac vestrum sacrificium acceptabile fiat apud Deum Patrem omnipotentem.


After the priest turns back to the altar the server answers:


Su-scip- i-  at Dom-i-  nus   sa- cri-  fi-   ci-

Soo-ship-ee-aht dom-ee-noos    sah-kree-fee-chee

um    de    ma- ni-  bus   tu- is,  ad   laud-em

oom   day   mah-nee-boos    too-is,  add    loud –em

et   glor- i-   am  nom -i  -nis su-i,     ad

ett   glor-  ee-ahm   nom- ee-nis   soo-ee, add

u-  ti-   li-  ta-  tem  quo-   que   nos-  tram,

oo-tee-lee-  tah-tein    kwo-   kway   noss - trahm,

to-    ti-   us-   que   Ec-  cle-   si-  ae   su-ae

tote-  see-oos-   kway   eck-klay-   see- ae   soo - ae

sanc-  tae.

sank -    tay.



At the Preface


After the priest reads the secret prayers, he says:


Per omnia  saecula  saeculorum.




Dominus vobiscum.


Et   cum     spi-  ri-  tu  tu-o.

Ett   koom    spee-ree-too too-o.


Sursum corda.


Ha-  be- mus    ad      Dom-i-  num.

Hah-bay-moos    add      dom- ee-noom.


Gratias agamus  Domino  Deo  nostro.


Dig-  num    et    jus-  tum   est.

Din - yoom    ett    yoos-toom     est.


The priest then says the Preface.

At the end of the Preface, the priest says:

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, etc., and the server rings the bell three times.

A short while before the Consecration, the priest extends his hands over the chalice, and the server rings the bell once.


This is called the warning bell, because it lets the people know that the Consecration is at hand.


At the Consecration, the bell is rung six times— each   time   that   the   priest   genuflects,   when   he elevates the Sacred Host, and when he elevates the chalice.


At the Pater Noster


Before the Pater Noster, the priest says:


Per omnia saecula saeculorum.




At the end of the Pater Noster, the server answers:


Sed   Ii-  ber-a    nos   a     ma-lo.

Sed    lee-bair-ah   noce   ah   mah-lo.


Before the Agnus Dei, the priest says:


Per omnia saecula saeculorum




Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.


Et   cum     spi-  ri-  tu  tu-o.

Ett   koom    spee-ree-too  too-o.


At the Agnus Dei, the server strikes his breast with the priest, except in Masses for the Dead.


At the Communion


After he reads the three prayers before Communion, the priest says the Domine non sum dignus three times, and the server rings the bell each time.


If any people are going to Holy Communion, the server returns the communion plate when the priest genuflects after he receives holy communion. Then he takes the communion plate.


After the priest drinks the Precious Blood, the server, bowing down, says;


Confiteor  Deo, etc.


The server remains profoundly inclined while the priest says:


Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus, et, dimissis peccatis vestris, perducat vos ad vitam aeternam.


The server kneels erect and answers:


A -men.



The server blesses himself with the priest.


Indulgentiam, absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum nostrorum, tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.




When the priest turns back to the altar the server, if he wishes to receive holy communion, rises, goes to the center, genuflects, and kneels on the top step. If he does not wish to receive Holy Communion then he remains kneeling.

The priest takes the ciborium out of the tabernacle, and turning round to the people holds up the sacred Host, as he says:

Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata mundi. - Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who taketh away the sins of the world


And then he says three times:

Domine, non sum dig­nus ut intres sub tectum meum: sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea - Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof; say but the word, and my soul shall be healed.


The server is the first to receive Holy Communion; after a moment or two he kneels again in his place on the first step.


As soon as the priest places the ciborium back in the tabernacle, (or, if there is no one for Com­munion, as soon as the priest drinks the Precious Blood), the server rises and proceeds to the Epistle side for the cruets.


Sometimes the priest may have to consume the remaining consecrated particles, or to consume the Benediction Host, and put a new consecrated Host into the lunette. The server kneels until the priest closes the tabernacle door.


When the priest holds out the chalice, the server pours wine into it, taking care not to touch it with the cruet. As the priest approaches towards the Epistle corner, holding the chalice with both hands (the thumb and forefinger of each hand being placed over the top of the chalice), the server bows, pours the wine gently over the priest's fingers into the chalice, then the water, bows again, and places the cruets back on the table.


He now brings back the Missal and stand to the Epistle side, and takes the veil round to the Gospel side, in each case ascending and descending the altar by the short way when carrying something, but the long way otherwise, genuflecting in the centre of the altar on the pavement, and bowing to the priest when leaving either side of the altar.


After assisting the priest with the chalice on the Gospel side, the server bows to the priest, descends by the steps to the pavement, goes the longest way round and kneels at the Gospel side, the same as at the beginning of Mass.


At the Prayers after Communion


The priest now reads the prayer called the Communion. Coming to the centre of the altar, he turns to the people and says:


Dominus vobiscum.


Et  cum    spi-  ri-  tu  tu-o.

Ett  koom   spee-ree-too  too-o.


The post-Communion prayers are the next to be read. To the first and last of these the server answers:




The priest turns again to the people and says:


Dominus vobiscum.


Et   cum     spi- ri-  tu  tu-o.

Ett   koom    spee-ree-too too-o.


Ite missa est.


Even if the vestments worn are purple, or given at a week-day Mass.


De-o    gra-  ti-  as.

Day-o   graht-see-ass.


The server rises and kneels on the first step in the centre of the altar for the Blessing.


The priest bows down towards the altar and says the Placeat tibi, sancta Trinitas, etc., kisses the altar, turns to the people and blesses them, saying:


Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus.


The server makes the Sign of the Cross at the same time, and answers:




The server then stands




The priest says:


Dominus vobiscum.


Et   cum    spi-  ri-  tu   tu- o.

Ett  koom    spee-ree-too   too-o.


Initium sancti  Evangelii, secundum Joannem.


The server signs his forehead, lips and breast, the same as at the first Gospel, and answers:


Glor- i-   a     ti-  bi,      Dom- i-  ne.

G1or-ee-ah      tee-bee,    dom-  ee-nay.


Then the server crosses over to the Epistle side of the altar, and gets the prayer card.

The server genuflects with the priest at the words: Et verbum caro factum est.

At the conclusion of the Gospel, he answers:


De-o    gra-   ti-  as.

Day-o    graht-see-ass.


In Masses for the Dead there is no blessing at the end of Mass. The priest, instead of saying: Ite missa est, says: Requiescant In pace. The server answers:





He then rises, genuflects in the centre, and passes over to the Epistle side as he would normally do.



Prayers after Mass


The Gospel over, the priest descends to the foot of the altar to say the prayers ordered to be said after Mass.


If the priest should kneel on the first step, the server kneels on the pavement, but if the priest kneels on the top step, the server may kneel on the first step.


At the Hail Holy Queen, the server hands the priest the card with the prayers on it to be said after Mass.

At the conclusion of the prayers, the server rises with the priest, and remains standing until the priest returns from the altar with the chalice.


The server genuflects with the priest at the foot of the altar, (and hands him the biretta in such a way that he can take it by the middle peak); then, with hands joined, the server leads the way back to the sacristy. On arriving in the sacristy, the priest and server bow to the Cross.

The server takes the extinguisher and puts out all the candles. If the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the tabernacle, it will be advisable for the server, after he has extinguished the candles, to take a glance at the sanctuary lamp to see if it is alight.


If the server has been to Holy Communion, he should not neglect to spend a few minutes in making his thanksgiving.


He next takes out the cruets, rinses them, especially the wine cruet, and puts them carefully away in their allotted place.


He now divests himself of his soutane and surplice—taking care that his soutane and surplice are hung up on their own special peg. The soldier takes care of his uniform, and is proud of it. Why should not the little soldier of Christ be proud of, and take care of, the uniform which he wears while serving the great King of kings at His own sacred altar?



Two Servers at Mass.


Two servers follow the same directions as those given for one server, with the following exceptions:—


On arriving at the altar, the first server (Acolyte 2) stands at the Gospel side, and the second server (Acolyte 1) stands at the Epistle side; both genuflect with the priest, the second server taking his biretta.


At the end of the Epistle, Acolyte 2 takes the Missal. When he comes down with the book to the centre of the altar, he genuflects with Acolyte 1 and passes over to the Epistle side. After placing the Missal on the altar and making the responses, Acolyte 2 comes round the steps and stands at the Gospel side.


At the Offertory the two servers genuflect in the centre; Acolyte 1 goes up the steps, takes the veil from the priest, and folds it; Acolyte 2 goes the usual way round for the cruets.


When Acolyte 1 steps down from off the predella on to the top step, Acolyte 2 hands him the wine cruet. Acolyte 1 stands nearest the altar, and offers the priest the wine; Acolyte 2 offers him the water.


Acolyte 2 takes the water cruet and the bowl; Acolyte 1 offers the priest the towel.


After replacing the cruets, the two servers go to the centre of the altar, genuflect, and then kneel in their places—the first server on the Epistle side, and the second server on the Gospel side. Acolyte 1 takes charge of the bell which he brought back from the credence table.

After Communion the two servers rise, genuflect in the centre, and go round to get the cruets. Acolyte 1 again offers the wine, Acolyte 2 the water.


This completed, they again genuflect in the centre and ascend the steps, Acolyte 1 taking the veil over to the Gospel side, and Acolyte 2 taking the Missal over to the Epistle side, and both genuflecting together on the floor as they pass the tabernacle. Then they bow to the priest, come the long way round to the centre, genuflect, and kneel in their places, Acolyte 2 re­turning now to the Gospel side, and Acolyte 1 return­ing to the Epistle side, the same as at the beginning of Mass.


After the Last Blessing both servers stand. Then after the responses at the beginning of the Last Gospel, Acolyte 1 goes and gets the card of prayers after Mass, and the biretta of the priest if he should have one. The servers kneel with the priest for the prayers after Low Mass. When the prayer have finished the servers stand and genuflect with the priest and depart either side-by-side or being led by Acolyte 2, depending on the custom of the place.