In our Roman Catholic Church today, we have over 2000 recognized Saints. Each Saint having a special title, and being invoked under that title. Whatever reason or need, whether it be sickness, disease or bad habits, these Saints will intercede on your behalf before the Throne of GOD. When calling upon their intercession, pray with FAITH.
St. Adelard : Is the patron of Gardeners. St. Agatha : Is the patron of nurses. St. Agnes of Rome: Is the patron Saint of purity, of the children of Mary, of young girls in general. St. Albert the Great : Is the patron of Scientists. St. Alexius : Is the patron of beggars. St. Aloysius Gonzaga: Is protector and patron of youth, especially of young Catholic students. Is invoked against soreness of eyes and pestilence. St. Alphonsus De Ligouri: Is patron of confessors and teachers of moral theology. St. Amand : Is the patron of hotelkeepers. St. Ambrose : Is the patron of those who are Learning (Students). St. Andrew: Is patron of fishermen and of spinsters. St. Andrew Avellino: Is invoked against sudden death. St. Anne, Mother of Mary: Patroness of women in the labour of child birth, and of miners. St. Anthony the Great: Is patron of hospital workers, butchers, grave diggers, and brush and basket makers. Invoked in cases of epilepsy, pestilence, skin disease, erysipelas (St. Anthony's Fire). St. Anthony of Padua: Is patron of travelers, of pregnant and barren women, and of the poor. Is invoked for recovery of lost articles, and for persons in danger of shipwreck. St. Antony the Abbot : Is the patron of Gravediggers. St. Augustine of Hippo: Is patron of theologians, printers and brewers. Is invoked against sore eyes. St. Barbara : Is the patron of Architects. St. Bartholomew: Is patron of plasterers, tanners, and butchers. Is invoked against convulsions. St. Benedict of Nursia: Is invoked in cases of erysipelas of the stone and of poisoning. St. Blase: Is patron Saint of woolcombers, wax chandlers, builders and physicians. St. Boniface: Is patron Saint of brewers, tailors and file cutters. St. Bruno: Is invoked for the deliverance of possessed persons. St. Camillus De Lellis: Is the patron Saint of all sick people and of their nurses. St. Casimir: Is invoked against the plague. St. Catherine of Genoa: Apostle of Purgatory. St. Catherine of Siena: Is invoked against fire, pestilence and headaches. St. Charles Borromeo: Is the patron of Catechists, and is invoked against pestilence. St. Christopher: Is invoked against hail and thunderstorms. He is also patron of bookbinders, gardeners, mariners and motorists. St. Clement Ist: Is patron of mariners and stone cutters. St. Conrad of Piacenza: Is invoked in cases of hernia. Sts. Cosmos & Damian: Is patron of druggists, barbers, physicians, surgeons and dentists. They are invoked against hernia and pestilence. St. Cuthbert: Is patron Saint of sailors St. Cyriacus: Is invoked against diabolical possessions, and against diseases of the eye. St. Dismas : Is the patron of Prisoners. St. Dominic of Silos: Is patron of pregnant women and prisoners. St. Dympna: Is the patron st of the mentally ill . St. Eligius: Is patron of cab drivers, and of all who work in metals, especially goldsmiths and blacksmiths. St. Elizabeth of Hungary: Is patroness of bakers. St. Etheldreda Is invoked against abscesses in the throat. St. Eustage & Companions: Are invoked in difficult situations, and patron of hunters. St. Fiacre : Is the patron of taxi drivers. St. Florian : Is the patron of Fire fighters. St. Francis De Sales: Is patron Saint of writers. St. Francis Xavier: Is the patron of the propagation of the Faith, and of all missions. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini : Is the patron of Emigrants. St. Gabriel of Our Lady Is patron of today's youth, and particularly of of Sorrows: the interior lives of young novices and professed religious. St. Genevieve: Is invoked against fever and diseases of the eyes. St. Genesius : Is the patron of Actors. St. George: Is patron Saint of boy scouts, farmers, saddlers. Also invoked against fever. St. Gerard Majella: Is invoked against the forces of nature and Satan himself. St. Giles: Is patron of cripples, blacksmiths and foresters. He is also invoked against insanity, epilepsy, and sterility in women. St. Gregory the Great: Is patron Saint of singers, scholars and teachers. St. Gregory the Wonder Worker: Is invoked against floods, and in desperate situations. St. Helena: Is patron Saint of dyers, of needle and nail makers. St. Hilary of Poitiers: Is invoked against snakes. St. Hubert: Is patron of hunters and is healer of hydrophobia. St. Ignatius of Antioch: Is invoked against soreness of the throat. St. Isidore the Farmer : Is the patron of Farmers. St. James the Greater: Is patron Saint of druggists, pilgrims and porters. He is also invoked in times of war and against rheumatism. St. James the Less: Is invoked against druggists, fullers, and hatters. St. Jerome: Is patron of librarians. St. Jerome of Emiliani: Is patron of orphans and abandoned children. St. John & Paul: Are patrons against lightning, hail and rain. Is invoked against pestilence. St. John Apostle & Evangelist: Is invoked against rain ,hail and lightning. St. John Baptist De La Salle: Is patron of teachers. St. John Baptist De Rossi: The Apostle of the abandoned. St. John Berchmanns: Is special patron of Mass servers. St. John Bosco : Is the patron of Editors. St. John Cantius: Is invoked against consumption, fever and ulcers. St. John Chrysostom: Is patron Saint of preachers. Is invoked against epilepsy. St. John Francis Regis: Is patron of religious and of cenacles. St. John Nepomucen: Is patron Saint of Confessors. St. John of GOD: Is patron Saint of hospitals, nurses, of the sick, of printers and booksellers. St. John Vianney : Is the patron of Priests. St. Joseph: Is patron of workmen. He is also invoked for a happy death. St. Josephat Kunsevich: Thief of souls (stealing from Satan). St. Joseph of Calasanctius: Is patron of all tuition - free Catholic Schools. St. Joseph of Copertino: Is patron of aviators. St. Joseph of Arimathea : Is the patron of funeral directors. St. Jude Thaddeus: Is patron of hospitals and hopeless cases, and in time of desperate needs. St. Juliana Falconieri: The Saint of the Holy Eucharist. St. Lawrence of Rome: Is patron of the poor and of cooks. He is invoked against lumbago and fire. St. Leonard of Limousin: Is patron of the sick, the insane, of women in child birth, and also of prisoners. St. Leo of Catania: The Wonder Worker. St. Louis lX: Is patron of stone masons, printers and barbers. St. Lidwina : Is the patron of skaters. St. Louise de Marillac : Is the patron of Social workers. St. Luke the Evangelist: Is patron of physicians, artists, brewers, butchers, glass workers and notaries. St. Lucy: Is invoked against sore eyes and throats, hemorrhages and epidemic diseases. St. Mark the Evangelist: Is patron of notaries. He is invoked against lightning and hail. St. Martin De Porres: Is patron of social justice. St. Matthew Apostle & Evangelist: Is patron of tax collectors and of bankers. St. Matthias: Is patron Saint of tailors, carpenters and reformed alcoholics. He is invoked against small pox. St. Maurus: Is invoked against gout and hoarseness of the throat. St. Michael the Archangel: Is patron of grocers, and the guardian of all mountain places. He is the special guardian of the Pope, and of the Blessed Sacrament. St. Monica : Is the Patron of married women. St. Nicholas of Bari: Is protector of the innocent, the wronged, and of all children in general. St. Nicholas of Tolentino: Is invoked as special advocate of souls in Purgatory. Offer seven Masses or Holy Communions for them in his honor. St. Nicholas of Myra : Is the patron of brides. St. Pantaleon: Is patron of mid wives, physicians, Piarist Fathers. He is invoked against consumption. St. Paschal Baylon: Is patron Saint of all Eucharistic Congresses and Confraternities. St. Paul: Is invoked against poisonous snakes. St. Paulinus of Nola: Had miraculous power over the forces of evil. St. Paul the Hermit: Is patron Saint of weavers. St. Peregrine: The Cancer Saint. St. Peter Claver: Is patron of Catholic missions. St. Peregrine Laziosi : Is the patron of Cancer victims. St. Philomena : Is the patron of Parish Priests. St. Polycarp: Is invoked against earaches. St. Raphael the Archangel: Is invoked in need of healing. Is patron of travelers, and of the young and innocent. St. Raymond Nonnatus: Is patron of women in childbirth, mid wives. Is invoked when falsely accused. St. Raymond of Pennafort: Is patron Saint of Canonists. St. Rita of Cascia: Is patron Saint of the IMPOSSIBLE. St. Scholastica: Is invoked especially during storms. St. Sebastian: Is patron Saint of archers and gunsmiths. Is invoked against plagues. St. Servulus: Is invoked against paralysis. St. Simon Zelotes: Is patron of woodcutters and tanners. St. Stanislaus Kostka: Is invoked against palpitations of the heart, and in dangerous illnesses, and against dying without the viaticum. Is patron of novices. St. Stephen the Protomartyr: Is patron of stone cutters and masons. St. Teresa of Avila: Is invoked against headaches. The Holy Innocents: Is patron of choir boys. St. Therese of the Child Jesus: Is patron of aviators and Catholic Missions. St. Thomas: Is patron of architects, and builders. St. Timothy: Is invoked against diseases of the stomach. St. Ubaldus: His intercession is particularly powerful against evil spirits. St. Valentine: Is patron Saint of young couples who are engaged to be married. St. Vincent De Paul: Is patron of all societies devoted to works of charity. St. Walburga: Is invoked against hydrophobia and storms at sea. St. Vincent Ferrer : Is the patron of builders.
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