A short Catechism of the Mass
by Father Godfrey Carney
Q. What is a
A. A sacrifice is the offering of a Victim to God by a priest
to acknowledge that God is the Supreme Being, the Creator of all
Q. What is a Victim?
A. A Victim is the thing that is
offered. Often in the Old Law (before Christ) it was an animal, killed, and its
blood poured on the altar by the priest. The people who gave the animal were
saying by this to God - "The animal represents us, it represents all creation.
We give it to You to show that we give You ourselves, that we are Yours, that
everything is Yours". In this act there is adoration, thanksgiving, pleading for
forgiveness, pleading for help for soul and body. The Victim was often eaten
afterwards in a ritual meal. These sacrifices were offered for many centuries in
the Temple in Jerusalem.
Q. Did Christ abolish all that?
A. It
is more true to say that He fulfilled all that. Those old Covenant acts were
foreshadows of the new and everlasting Covenant. At the Jewish Passover Supper,
before His passion began, He lifted all those sacrifices up into His own
Sacrifice when He made the Mass.
Q. What is the Mass?
A. The
Mass is the Sacrifice of Jesus on the cross offered up continually under
appearances of bread and wine. It is the final perfect sacrifice.
Are there a number of Rites of the Mass?
A. Yes, quite a number. In the
Eastern Church - that means in Greece, Egypt, the Middle East, and further north
- there are various rites of the Mass - the Greek rite, the Byzantine Rite, the
Syriac, Coptic, Armenian and others. In the Western Church (with few variations)
- the Roman Rite.
Q. Why are they different?
A. They developed
that way from the beginning of Christianity. Different places, slow travelling,
slow communications, different languages. But the same Mass. The same essential
act of worship.
Q. What is the essential act?
A. The essential
act in the Mass is the redeeming Sacrifice of Jesus Christ which He offered once
on the Cross of Calvary, and which He continues to offer through the priest at
the altar under the appearances of bread and wine for the living and the
Q. Do all rites look alike?
A. They don't look the same,
but there is the same general structure in every rite, the same broad outline -
the Offertory, the Consecration, and the Communion.
Q. What is the
A. The Offertory is the first part of the Sacrifice proper. It
is an integral part of the Mass. The priest offers the bread and wine to God the
Father - the bread and wine that will be changed into Jesus' Body and Blood when
the Consecration comes. Now, everyone present can give themselves in that act of
offering. Jesus will transform those gifts at the Consecration. He will join us
then, and we will join Him, and become one with Him in His great Redeeming
Q. What is the Consecration?
A. The Consecration is the
centre point, the climax, the very heart of the Mass. At that moment the bread
and wine are changed in being, changed into Christ Himself, Body and Blood, Soul
and Divinity. There is no change in colour or shape or touch or taste. All those
"bread and wine" appearances remain the same. It is the inner essence - the
substance - that changes, changes from being bread and wine into being the Body
and Blood of Christ. This change is called transubstantiation.
Q. Do
we see this change?
A. No. This is a hidden change, from one hidden thing
into another hidden thing. The inner reality, the substance, of every material
thing is always hidden from our senses, hidden from all experiment. Chemical
analysis does not touch substance. The mind knows substance. The senses only
contact the outward appearances, "the messages", that comes to the senses -
colour, sound, taste, and so on. The change at the Consecration is a change of
substance, and Christ is present in the way of substance.
Q. After the
Consecration, what remains of the bread and wine?
A. Only the
appearances, the "messages" to the senses, the external reactions. The
substance, the real thing there, is Jesus Christ.
Q. How can Christ
become so small?
A. Christ is there "substantially", that is, in the way
in which substance is present in anything at all. Substance has nothing at all
to do with size. A tiny crumb of bread, a tiny drop of wine, is just as truly
bread, and as truly wine, as all the bread and wine in the world. We believe in
this hidden change because the words of Christ Who is God Almighty, Who made the
universe from nothing. We don't know how God did that, but He did it. We don't
know how He does this, but by His words we know He does it.
Q. What
A. The words which Christ spoke over the bread and wine at the
Last Supper the night before He was crucified. These words have some small
variations in different Gospels and different rites, but the following is a
summing of the words - "Take ye and eat. This is my Body given up for you. Drink
of this. This is the chalice of my Blood, the Blood of the New and everlasting
Covenant. It will be shed for you and for many, so that sins may be forgiven. Do
this in remembrance of Me". If these words mean what they say, then that change
of substance takes place. Christ clearly meant what He said.
Q. It's
hard to believe, isn't it?
A. It is. The people who were there when
Christ promised to do it found it hard. So hard that they walked away and left
Him. And He didn't try to stop them and explain away the hard saying. He must
have meant it. The gift of Faith helps us to believe.
Q. Christ could
do it. But how can the priest do it?
A. By his own personal power, the
priest, of course, cannot do it. But when he was ordained he was given a share
in the mighty Priesthood of Christ. He was empowered to speak at the altar, in
the Person, and character of Christ. Christ ordained the Apostles, and all
priests, when He added at the Last Supper the words - "DO THIS, IN MEMORY OF
ME". Christ commanded and thereby gave the power. Christ makes this great
change, using the priest's voice and actions. Christ does it, through the
Q. Apart from the change, what else happens?
A. Christ
is really present. He is present in a posture of sacrifice, both Priest and
Victim. "This is my Body given up for you. This is my Blood, shed for you". The
Cross and the Mass and the Last Supper are one and the same action, done by the
same person - Christ Our Lord.
Q. Does Christ die again in the
A. No. He died once on the Cross. He dies no more, but His act of
loving self-surrender, His Act of Sacrifice for us, goes on at every Mass in a
real living way. He is there really and truly, making Calvary present before us,
and before every generation until the end of the world.
Q. Why the
separate consecration of His Body and Blood?
A. His Body and Blood are
not really separated. In His death on Calvary they were separated. But He rose
to life. He lives. That is why it is not necessary to receive Him under both
appearances. We receive the complete Christ under one appearance. The priest has
to receive under both appearances in order to complete the sacrifice. But, in
the separate consecration, we are given a vivid sign of death. The Mass reminds
us of the Death of Christ for us. St. Paul puts it like this - "As often as you
do this (that is, the Mass), you shall show forth the death of the Lord until He
comes again".
Q. Does this add anything to Christ's sacrifice on the
A. No. It is the same sacrifice. It is not a repetition of
Calvary. Christ is a Priest forever. He is a Victim forever. His priestly Act
goes on forever. The Mass makes it present to us. The Mass applies its power to
our souls.
Q. The Communion - what is that?
A. It is the last
part of the Mass. The priest receives Our Lord, and gives Him to the people.
Christ lives in us as Food, to strengthen our souls with His Divine Life, to be
one with us in love, to unite us to Him and to each other. "Communion" means
"Many united in One".
Q. What must we do to prepare to receive Him
like this?
A. We must be baptised Catholics. We must be freed from mortal
sin by a genuine Confession beforehand. We must be fasting for one hour. We must
be in the right frame of mind - believing, hoping, loving, reverent, and humbly
thankful for such a Wondrous Gift.
Q. About the language. Is Latin
forbidden in the Mass at present?
A. Certainly not. The New Rite of Pope
Paul VI was issued from Rome in Latin (1970). It can be said either in Latin or
in the language of the country. The Second Vatican Council explicitly states
that Latin must be preserved in the Mass.
Q. That is the Tridentine
A. That is a name given nowadays to the Old Rite of Latin Mass
which developed in the Western Church (the Latin Church). That Ancient Rite was
revised and ordered for all the Latin Church by Pope Pius V. He did this,
following on the great reforming Council of Trent in the 16th century. The word
"Tridentine" is from the Latin "Tridentinus", an adjectival word, descriptive,
referring to the town of Trent in Northern Italy in which the Council was held -
"The Tridentine Council".
Q. What was the Mass like before
A. In the beginning, very simple, in various languages. In Latin
from about the fourth century, it grew up with variations in different parts of
Europe. Gradually the order of Mass used in Rome at the Pope's Mass, spread and
influences the rest of Europe. Pope Pius V trimmed it and unified it so that the
Catholic anywhere in the Western world heard the same Latin sounds wherever he
Q. What was the situation before the Fourth
A. Latin was the language of the Roman Empire which covered all
the Mediterranean lands and all Western Europe. But in the early centuries Greek
was also spoken in the West. The Gospels and Epistles were written in Greek.
Greek was used as the language of worship. The Mass in the West was in Greek in
the very early centuries for a time. Gradually Latin took over. The 'Kyrie
Eleison' - ('Lord have mercy') is part of a Greek Litany still in the Mass.
There was never a sudden change. From very simple beginnings the Mass grew,
variations coming and going, but a natural organic growth.
Q. So Roman
influence prevailed?
A. Ultimately yes. Rome being the centre of the
Church, and the Holy Apostolic See of Peter, had a unifying influence on the
whole Church in Faith and Morals, but also in ways of worship. "The law of
praying is the law of believing".
Q. Why Latin nowadays? A "dead"
A. Latin is old and beautiful and sacred and unchanging in
meaning. It is a lovely heritage handed down to us. It safeguards the Holy of
Holies from profanation and abuse. It makes for awe and reverence and mystery
surrounding the Mystery of Faith. It unifies the whole Church. It makes us feel
"at home" in all countries. It is a language sanctified by the holy use of
centuries of Saints and Martyrs. It is a lovely veil that covers and yet
enhances and radiates the Mystery of our Redemption. To throw it away is a great
Q. What is the Canon of the Mass?
A. "Canon" means
something fixed, permanent, a rule. The Canon of the Mass is the central
Eucharistic Prayer surrounding the Consecration itself.
Q. How old is
the Canon?
A. The Canon is the oldest part of the Roman Mass. We have a
description of it written by St. Ambrose in Milan in the 4th century. Its
wording is very much the same as the Roman Canon is today. Obviously it was
still old in St. Ambrose's day.
Q. Would you describe the Canon in the
Mass today.
A. The Canon begins with the Preface, which is an
introductory Prayer of thanksgiving and praise ending with the 'Sanctus', and
angels' cry of praise in Heaven. Then the Canon itself leads up to the
Consecration with beautiful pleadings through Christ to the Father, that He
accept the sacrifice. We pray for the Church, the Pope, the Bishop, for all here
present, for all the living. We unite ourselves with our Blessed Mother Mary and
St. Joseph, and with all the apostles and Martyrs and all the Saints. The priest
spreads his hands over the bread and wine, calling down the Holy Spirit of God
and His power. Then he acts and speaks the words of Christ at the Last Supper,
and the Great Change takes place and Christ is present and Christ's Sacrifice is
present from then on.
The prayers continue, recalling His Passion, Death,
Resurrection and Ascension, and offering this most Holy, Pure, Spotless Victim
to the Eternal Father, asking Him to accept this offering. We pray for the Dead.
We plead that we sinners may be allows, through God's mercy, to join the company
of the Saints and Martyrs. All this we plead for through Christ Our Lord, and to
finish the Canon the priest holds up Christ's Body and Blood in a gesture of
sacrifice, saying: "Through Him, with Him, in Him, is given to You, God the
Father Almighty, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honour and glory for ever
and ever. Amen".
Q. What happens then?
A. Then the Communion
begins at once with the Lord's own Prayer - the "Pater Noster" - the "Our
Q. What happens before the Canon?
A. The Offertory.
The priest offers the bread and wine to God, speaking of them already as sacred
gifts, dedicated to the most sublime purpose of the sacrifice. Then he turns to
the people and says, "Orate Fratres" - "Pray, brethren, that my sacrifice and
yours may be acceptable to God the Almighty Father". And for this the people
pray also.
Q. Why does the say my sacrifice and yours? Why not our
A. We all share by Baptism in the priesthood of Christ. We all
can, and should, offer ourselves as baptised members of the Church, the Mystical
Body of Christ, giving our lives and activities to the Father with Christ,
putting our lives into the Mass, and putting the Mass into our lives. That is
the wonderful way in which we can become part of this sublime Act. But the
priest at the altar has received another Sacrament - Holy Order. He is a
minister of Christ. He has the power of acting in the person of Christ as he
says the words of Consecration and so brings about the change, and the sacrifice
is present. So the words "My sacrifice and yours" show that vital distinction.
Without an ordained priest, there could be no Mass.
Q. What happens
before the Offertory?
A. That is called the "Fore-Mass", or, the "Mass of
Catechumens" or, "The Liturgy of the Word". It centres rounds the Bible. Two
reads from the scriptures - the Epistle, read on the right hand side of the
altar (the south side) and the Gospel, read on the left hand side (the north
Q. Why is the Book taken across after the Epistle to the other
side of the altar?
A. One reason, the Gospel of Christ is read on the
north side of the church with the priest facing towards the north, because in
former times the north was considered to be the pagan area and not yet
converted. Another is that it is a symbol of the changeover from the Old
Testament to the New, from the Old Law to the New Law, from Moses to Christ,
from the synagogue to the Catholic Church.
Q. What follows the
A. On Sundays and Holydays, usually a sermon. Then the Nicene
Creed just before the Offertory.
Q. Why was the first part (the
reading and preaching) called the Mass of the Catechumens?
A. Because in
the earlier centuries, the catechumens, that is, converts under instruction in
the Faith, met for the Bible reading and preaching, and having responded with
the creed, they were blessed and sent away. Only baptised Christians could stay
on to join in the Sacrifice.
Q. Why does the priest kiss the altar and
genuflect often and make the signs of the Cross over the host and
A. To show reverence for the place of sacrifice, for the Real
Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, to express the supreme holiness of
this great act of worship. For the same reasons, the people kneel for Holy
Communion and receive Our Lord on the tongue.
Q. Is the altar not also
a table? Is the Mass not also a Holy Meal?
A. Yes. The Communion of the
Mass is a Holy Meal coming from the Last Supper, a Sacred Banquet in which
Christ is received, and from that aspect we can think of the altar as the table
of the Lord. But the Mass is first and foremost, the sacrifice of the
Q. Why doesn't the priest face the people in the Old
A. The priest and people face in the same direction. They face
towards the East, where the Sun rises. Jesus is the Sun of Justice. He rose from
the dead on Easter Morning as the Sun rose in the East. That has always been the
way. Both priest and people faced God together. In fact, in the New Rite, there
is no law which commands the priest to face the people. The Pope does not face
the people when he says Mass in his private chapel in the Vatican.
What about the Introit, the Gradual psalm, the Offertory Verse, and the
Communion Verse?
A. These are psalms or part of psalms. They are often
sung in Plain Chant at High Mass. They became shortened in time to one verse or
two, with a repeated response called an 'antiphon'. The "Introit" ("he goes in")
at the beginning of Mass was an entrance psalm sung as the priest went in
procession to the altar in large churches. The "Gradual" - a psalm between the
Epistle and the Gospel, was sung on the step below the Gospel platform. "Gradus"
means "a step".
Q. What is said at the beginning of Mass at the foot
of the altar steps?
A. Priest and servers say alternatively Psalm 42. It
is most appropriate. One verse sets the tone for the whole Mass. This verse is
set at the start of the psalm, repeated in its own proper place within the psalm
itself, and again at the end of the psalm. This is the famous - "Intriobo ad
altare Dei" - "I will go to the altar of God: to God who gives joy to my youth".
Then before he mounts the altar, priest and people confess that they are sinners
and ask for pardon by saying the 'Confiteor".
Q. Why is it called
A. This word "Mass" is from the Latin word "Missa". Before he
gives the final blessing, the priest says to the people 'Ite, missa est' which
means "Go, it is the dismissal" or "Go, you are sent". Somehow or other the word
"Missa" became the short name for the whole great Action. A good reason for this
is that the people are being told - "You have met Christ in His saving
Sacrifice, you may have received Him into your souls. Now just as He said to His
Apostles, "Go, teach all nations", so, you are now sent to take Christ with you
to your homes, and wherever you go. You are sent on a mission. You are
missionaries, apostles, of Christ.
Q. The Last Gospel. Why and what is
A. After he has given the final blessing, the priest goes to the
north side again to read the Last Gospel. This actually is the start of the
Gospel of St. John. It was once part of the thanksgiving after Mass. It reminds
us as we read it, that the Eucharist is truly a continuation of the Incarnation
itself. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God . . . and the Word was made Flesh and dwelt amongst us, and we saw His
glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and
The Mass contains the whole of the sublime Mystery of the Redemption.
The ancient Latin Rite is a masterpiece to be cherished.
Q. This
account of the Ancient Roman Rite is rather jumbled, it hops to and fro, doesn't
A. We want to give a portrait, not just a photograph of what the Mass
means. Jesus is there, Himself. He is doing the Act, making the great Change,
giving Himself in the act of the cross, and giving Himself to us in love. We
must centre everything in the Consecration, the very heart of the matter. The
Consecration is like the verb in the sentence. It gives life and meaning to all
that goes before it, and to all that comes after it. The Mass grew outward from
the Consecration.
Q. How can I guide myself through the
A. If you have a Missal, you can follow the Rite in sequence from
the beginning to end in Latin and English. Here is an outline in four sections
that may help you:-
(We speak to
God. God speaks to us [in Bible and Sermon]. We respond to Him with Faith [the
At the foot of the altar steps - Psalm 42, 'Judica' - 'I will go to
the altar of God'. The 'Confiteor' - act of penance. The priest goes up to the
Book and reads the Entrance psalm - 'Introit' - comes to the centre, says the
'Kyrie Eleison' - 'Lord, have mercy'. Then the 'Gloria' - a hymn of praise -
greets the people, reads the Prayer of the day - 'Oratio', reads the Epistle and
the Gradual psalm. The Book is taken over to the Gospel side. The priest crosses
and reads the Gospel. Then on a Sunday he may preach.
Then with the Creed the Fore Mass comes to an end.
(We give ourselves with Christ to His Heavenly Father.
Jesus gives Himself for us, and to us.)
The priest holds up the bread to God and
offers it with prayer. Then at the epistle side he takes from the server wine
and water and puts them into the Chalice - symbol of the union of the Divine and
Human Natures in Christ. The priest bows and humbly asks the Father to accept
us. At the Epistle side the Server helps him wash his hands in purification,
'Lavabo'. Then in the centre he turns to the people asking them to pray that his
sacrifice and theirs may be acceptable - 'Orate Fratres'. He then reads the
'Secret' (sacred), a prayer which sets aside these gifts for the sacred purpose
of the Sacrifice.
And so the Offertory ends
After a short dialogue
with the people, the priests reads the Preface ending with the 'Sanctus', and
ushering in the Canon. The Canon prayers are whispered, and soon the warning
bell brings us to the heart of the Mass, the vital words of Jesus
Bells ring as the priest adores, and holds
up the Body and Blood of Christ to be seen and adored by the people. The prayers
continue quietly. The priest breaks the silence with the words 'Nobis quoque
peccatoribus' ('To us also, sinners'), a plea that we may be allowed by God's
mercy to join the Saints and Martyrs. He finishes the Canon with the significant
words 'Through Him, with Him, in Him, is given to You God the Almighty Father in
the unity of the Holy Spirit, all honour and glory' - then in a final signal of
sacrifice he holds up the Body and blood of Christ together and then says, 'Per
omnia saecula saeculorum' ('for ever and ever'). Amen.
And so ends the Canon.
This begins at once with Our Lord's own
prayer - 'Pater Noster'. Then a prayer for liberation from evil, and for peace -
'pax Domini, sit semper vobiscum' he says, ('May the peace of the Lord be with
you always'). Then he bends before the Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) asking Him for
mercy and peace. Bending, he prays in preparation to receive Him. Three times
striking his breast he says 'Domine non sum dignus' ('Lord, I am not worthy').
He receives reverently the Body and Blood of Our Lord, turns to the people with
the Host raises in his hand and says, 'Ecce Agnus Dei' ('Behold the Lamb of
God') and again three times 'Domine non sum dignus', and gives Holy Communion at
the altar rails saying to each one 'May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ keep
your soul unto life everlasting'. He returns to the altar, purifies the Chalice
and his fingers with wine and water, reads the Communion verse and the
Thanksgiving Prayer, tells the people, 'Ite Missa Est', ('Go, you are sent'),
gives his blessing, reads the Last Gospel, and kneeling at the foot of the altar
says in English the prayers added by Pope Leo XIII. These are for Russia, for
the Church everywhere, and for all sinners.