Some Pious thoughts during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass



                                                                           The Priest at Mass                                                                OUR LORD

                                                                    1. Enters the Sanctuary..........................................................Enters Garden of Olives
                                                                    2. Begins prayers at the foot of the Altar...................................Begins prayer in the Garden
                                                                    3. Says the Confiteor..............................................................Faints and falls down in agony
                                                                    4. Ascends steps and kisses the Altar...................................Is betrayed by Judas with a kiss
                                                                    5. Goes to the book at Epistle side..........................................Is led prisoner to Annas
                                                                    6. Reads the Introit.................................................................Is falsely accused by Annas
                                                                    7. Goes to the middle, recites "Kyrie Eleison"...................Is brought to Caiphas; denied thrice by Peter
                                                                    8. Turns to people and says "Dominus vobiscum"..................Looks at Peter and converts him
                                                                    9. Goes to book and reads Collects and Epistle.........................Is led to Pilate
                                                                    10. Goes to middle, then Gospel side.......................................Is taken to Herod and mocked
                                                                    11. Returns to the middle of the Altar........................................Is led back to Pilate


                                                                     12. Uncovers the Chalice.........................................................Is stripped of His garments
                                                                     13. Offers the bread and wine...................................................Is scourged at the pillar
                                                                     14. Covers Chalice with pall.....................................................Is crowned with thorns
                                                                     15. Washes his hands at Epistle side.......................................Is declared innocent by Pilate
                                                                     16. Turns to people and says "Orate Fratres".............................Pilate says "Behold the Man"
                                                                     17. Prays in low voice, the secret prayers...................................Is mocked and spat upon
                                                                     18. Recites Preface and Sanctus - bell rings...............................Barabbas is freed

                                                                                                     CANON OF MASS

                                                                      19. Makes memento for living.....................................................Carries Cross to Calvary
                                                                      20. Continues to pray in low voice...............................................Meets His Mother and other pious women
                                                                      21. Holds hands over oblation - bell rings.....................................Soldiers take hold of Christ Our Lord
                                                                      22. Blesses the bread and wine with sign of the cross five times....Is nailed to the cross


                                                                       23. Consecrates the Host, adores and elevates it.........................Christ is raised on the cross
                                                                       24. Consecrates the wine and elevates the Chalice.......................Blood of Christ flows from five wounds
                                                                       25. Prays in a low voice..............................................................Hangs on the cross. Sees His Mother kneeling
                                                                       26. Says aloud "Nobis quoque peccatoribus"................................Prays for all mankind
                                                                       27. Recites aloud the "Pater Noster"............................................Speaks His final seven word on the cross
                                                                       28. Breaks the Sacred Host........................................................Dies on the cross
                                                                       29. Drops a particle of The Host into the Chalice...........................Christ's Soul descends into Limbo
                                                                       30. Says "Agnus Dei".................................................................Those standing by acknowledge Christ to be the Son of God.



                                                                        31. Receives the Body and Blood of Christ....................................Is laid in the Sepulchre
                                                                        32.Cleans the Chalice.................................................................Christ's Body is annointed with the Sepulchre
                                                                        33. Arranges the Chalice on the Altar again..................................Rises from the dead
                                                                        34. Turns to people and says "Dominus vobiscum"........................Appears to His Mother and disciples
                                                                        35. Reads prayers at Epistle side - Post Communion....................Teaches of forty days
                                                                        36. Turns to people and says last "Dominus vobiscum...................Bids farewell to disciples and Ascends into Heaven
                                                                        37. Gives the blessing................................................................Sends the Holy Gost to His Apostles
                                                                        38. Reads the last Gospel.........................................................Apostles preach to Gospel to all Nations