The Anointing of the Sick

We Find this sacrament in James 5:14 15 "If one of you is ill, he should send for the elders of the Church (So it is not every single person who is entitled to help spiritually the sick) " And they must anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over him; the prayer of faith ( of course, that of the Elders) will save the sick person and the Lord will raise him up again. And if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven". We find also in Mark 6:13 this anointing of the sick by the Disciples of the Lord Jesus: ' They anointed many sick people with oil, and cured them". This Sacrament is meant to give us the grace of a final chance of repentance for our sins (a sincere contrition). In many cases those who recieve this sacrament long before their death have been spared for a further period of time , just as the apostle proclaims "they anointed many sick people AND CURED THEM "(Mk 6:13).